Based on my experience, I’ll share my path to getting a developer job.

  1. Learn one specific programming language first. (I’d suggest starting with JavaScript, as it’s versatile and widely used.)

  2. Based on your programming choice in step 1, learn some frameworks and technologies in that specific language.


    (Don’t be overwhelmed by this list. You can choose and learn these based on your interests and requirements.)

  3. Build full-fledged projects based on what you have learned and host them. (You can deploy with free hosting services like Netlify, Vercel, Heroku, etc.)

  4. Create a portfolio site and add your project links there. This acts as your online resume.

  5. Be active on professional social platforms like LinkedIn, and tech Twitter. I’d also suggest participating in tech meetups in person.

  6. While doing steps 1-5, apply for jobs. There is no perfect time to apply for a job; do it now, even if you’re new to programming.

Best of luck and happy learning/programming! 🧑🏻‍💻